NEC Motorhome and Caravan Show 2013 – A round up

24 Oct 2013

This year’s Motorhome and Caravan Show held from 15th-20th October at Birmingham’s NEC was a resounding success. Attracting a record breaking 100,179 visitors, with Saturday alone drawing 26,632, the show goes from strength to strength every year.

Over 400 companies aired their wares at this year’s event and all manufactures reported good levels of sales.

NCC Events who organise the exhibition were over the moon after another record was set as foot fall exceeded 2012. From C4 Caravans’ point of view it was certainly busy with a thronging crowd all vying for viewings of the latest caravan and related products.

TV presenter Mel Sykes and pro chef Ed Baines did their best to keep crowds entertained in the expert’s theatre while caravan companies such as Elddis, Swift, Bailey and Coachman reported keen interest from the public. Some manufactures were ecstatic regarding sales at the event – some recorded upwards of 200 models sold.

One of the biggest reasons for visiting the Motorhome and Caravan Show are the deals you can get on new caravans and products. Long gone are the days of ugly beasts; in their place are well designed, light, innovative and desirable models that anyone would be happy to own.

This has obviously been reflected in the volume of sales at the show and John Lally, director general of the National Caravan Council said: “We’re obviously very pleased to have achieved another record breaking attendance, but our real measure of success is the quality of customers we are able to attract to the show and the experience those customers have when they get here.

“The display of product in the halls was unrivalled. They were the lightest, most innovative, well designed and well specified models we have seen for many years and this is reflected in the volume of sales.”

Wandering around the huge exhibition it was plain to see that visitors weren’t just there for browsing purposes. Many wanted to buy, some wanted to check out product before parting with hard earned cash and others seemed to be teeing up caravan paraphernalia for when the time was right. Whatever the situation, the industry seems to be in a good state and hopefully signals how everything will pan out moving forwards.

The C4 Caravans team came across plenty of models we’d happily own with many boasting price tags that seemed very reasonable. If you didn’t get chance to make the journey to the NEC then we’ve no doubt the show will be returning next year so there’s always 2014.

Reflecting on this year’s Motorhome and Caravan Show; the future is looking extremely bright. The good weather of 2013 has obviously had an impact on the caravan industry but it’s certainly looking like a return to higher levels of popularity and growth. Fingers crossed for 2014…

(images via

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